Our Performance

As part of the NHS, our commitment to patients is to make a valuable contribution towards delivering new tests and treatments to their bedsides as quickly as possible.

We also understand the time and investment that goes into developing a new medicine. Our aim is to provide our partners with an efficient and high-quality service.

Over the past three years, we’ve significantly reduced the average time for study approval and first patient recruited. We proactively manage the performance of our Division through Divisional Reviews with our Executive Team, Clinical Division research targets, and continuous monitoring of performance against NIHR targets through a research performance dashboard.


Our arranging and confirmation processes ensure that research teams and support departments (e.g. radiology, pharmacy, and laboratories) have the capacity and capability in place to deliver the study. Around 80 per cent of our commercial studies reflect repeat business, serving industry partners we have worked with previously. We regularly achieve global first recruits into our studies and continuously look for new ways to improve our service.

For all performance reports, visit: Reports and Publications – Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (mft.nhs.uk)