Research and innovation news
Keep up-to-date with the latest news, publications and events from the Research and Innovation team at MFT.

Manchester-led research finds genetic causes of rare condition linked to hearing loss and infertility
Latest research led from Manchester could revolutionise the diagnosis of Perrault syndrome, a rare genetic condition that results in hearing loss.
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Robotic surgery delivering ‘game-changing’ care for children in Manchester
A four-month-old baby boy is the youngest child in the world to successfully have surgery using the Versius Surgical System, which his surgeons call a "game-changer" for reconstructive surgery.
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Personalised medicine in action: PROGRESS study advances to Phase II
The PROGRESS project, a national pharmacogenomics research study, is transforming primary care by incorporating genetic insights into everyday prescribing practices across England.
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Manchester’s clinical and academic expertise partner to transform health and social care
A partnership agreement between MFT and Manchester Met will aim to reduce health inequalities in the region and boost its health and social care system through innovative research and education.
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Breaking down barriers through R&I internship opportunities
MFT is working with MMU's Diverse Talent Scheme which gives graduates with neurodiverse conditions the opportunity to develop employability skills whilst based in the workplace at MFT.
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Research led by Manchester identifies test to more accurately diagnose rare fungal pneumonia
New research from MFT has shown at a DNA-based test is accurate for diagnosing fungal pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii in people with weakened immune systems.
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Manchester researcher awarded prestigious NIHR Research Professorship
Professor Emma Crosbie, Honorary Consultant in Gynaecological Oncology at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), has been awarded a prestigious NIHR Research Professorship.
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