Professor Ann-Louise Caress, PI on the COPD CityVerve use case, explains how she hopes her experience in using technology to help patients with long-term conditions can make a difference.
As a nurse it is an integral part of our training and continuing professional development to reflect on our practice. I therefore wanted to share with you 10 things I learnt in 2016.
Ahead of World Cancer Day on 4th February, the oncology clinical research team explain their role and why conducting clinical research in cancer is so important.
The CityVerve Smart City Demonstrator is working to shape the future applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) to benefit society in Manchester and beyond in exciting new ways.
Kelsey, 20, has a rheumatic condition that is yet to be diagnosed. She talks about about her experience of speaking at a medical conference on behalf of Your Rheum, a young person's advisory group.
"Surely being a midwife is the best job in the world, all those new babies you're bringing in to the world... Being a Placenta and Rainbow Clinic midwife can be the complete opposite."
Stephanie Shoop-Worrall blogs about her experience of the NIHR Infrastructure Doctoral Training Camp, which saw her work with six other trainees to put together a winning research grant proposal.