An aspiring researcher is encouraging other health and care professionals to be part of a NIHR development programme which has inspired her to become a Principal Investigator.
An international team of scientists are to set to use thousands of MRI brain scans from research teams around the world in a bid to study NF1, a lifelong neurological condition.
In the largest study of its kind, UK clinicians and researchers at RMCH and GOSH have jointly developed a highly innovative, life-changing surgery for children with a rare genetic condition.
The Pharmacogenetics Roll Out – Gauging Response to Service [PROGRESS] programme is an NHS England funded transformation project led by researchers at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
Greater Manchester residents are being encouraged to take part in a research study at MREH that aims to improve the diagnosis and treatment of conditions associated with sight loss.
A ground-breaking genetic test that could prevent critically ill newborn babies going deaf if treated with a commonly used antibiotic, is being trialled across 14 NHS neonatal units.
Researchers have shown that their system, developed at MFT, can identify more breast cancer patients who are eligible for testing for inherited faulty genes that can cause breast cancer.