Your Path in Research – a specialist surgical trainee’s perspective
As part of the new National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Your Path in Research campaign, Mr Haroon Saeed – Specialist Surgical Trainee at MFT’s Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and NIHR Clinical Research Network Greater Manchester specialty group member for Ear, Nose and Throat – shares his personal pathway to research.
As busy surgical trainees with training portfolios to maintain, on-calls to navigate and a work-life balance to juggle, we would be forgiven then, for thinking that it’s best to steer clear from adding a complex research project to the mix! A year ago I would certainly say that I held this viewpoint. With minimal research experience I wasn’t particularly skilled at scientific writing, critical appraisal of papers and certainly didn’t have a strong grasp of stats or how to develop a research project. Furthermore, I was of the mindset that there is a constant need for career progression, to reach the next rung of the ladder in my training and ultimately becoming a consultant surgeon in the quickest time-frame possible.
It was then that my perception surrounding research changed.
I was in discussions with various seniors as to whether they had any interesting work or topics that I could get involved in. The suggestions didn’t particularly resonate with me, or enthuse me to invest time and effort in order to seemingly tick off the box for a first author paper without actually scratching beyond the surface of the clinical or scientific problem at hand.
When I started working at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, part of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), I began to witness first-hand how the interface between science, surgery and technology had dramatically come together to provide hearing rehabilitation in the form of cochlear implant surgery.
This sparked an interest for me to search for ways in which I could add to this exciting field, but more importantly do the research justice.
I was lucky to be guided by a supervisor who shared this view point, with a wealth of knowledge developed from undertaking their own research and supervising other post graduate students.
We formulated a research proposal together and I made the decision to take time out of training for research (OOPR). This would afford me the time to do the research justice, while allowing me to continue to maintain my surgical and clinical acumen through the role of a clinical research fellow.

Mr Haroon Saeed
Even at this early stage of my OOPR, I have been surprised by the new experiences and doors that have opened before me, none of which would have been easily accessible without formally perusing a research degree. For example, I have been given the opportunity and time to collaborate and generate ideas with non-clinical individuals of different scientific backgrounds including data analysts and computer scientists.
I’ve enjoyed the challenge of deploying the leadership and team work skills I have developed as a clinician in a different setting, in a different way – the perception that research involves a solitary lifestyle stuck in a lab is outdated. Furthermore, I have embraced the world of computer coding and artificial intelligence, something I wouldn’t have dreamt I would be doing or indeed enjoying 12 months ago.
My anxieties surrounding a lack of research experience were quickly diminished as it became apparent there’s a large pool of supporting networks tailored to your needs, provided by the University and bodies such as the NIHR.
Most importantly, my initial viewpoint of ‘rushing’ towards the role of consultant surgeon has changed. Yes, my pathway to becoming a consultant surgeon has been lengthened, but it’s plain for me to see that the new research, networking and scientific skillsets I will obtain during my OOPR will provide unique scaffolding for me to become a successful academic surgeon in the long run, with a flourishing research team and portfolio.
I’m therefore glad I chose to get involved in research, as it has opened the door towards such an evolving and exciting career.
To other trainees out there who, like me, are concerned research isn’t for them, I would advise to focus in on an area in your field that’s evolving or still has many scientific uncertainties. Aim to meet leaders in the field who may spark that interest in you and show you potentials for exciting collaborations and partnerships. Ultimately, you will know whether or not to take the bold move into OOPR, so far, I’m certainty glad I did.
Find out more about the Your Path in Research campaign, which supports health care professionals to get more involved in research, on the NIHR website.