Celebrating International Clinical Trials Day at our Clinical Research Facility

In its successful £12.5m clinical research facility application to the NIHR (2017-2022) Manchester set out an ambitious five-year strategy that aims to speed up the translation of science from the laboratory bench to the patient bedside by bringing the CRFs at CMFT, The Christie and UHSM together via a single management structure.

This successful application also resulted in the CRFs sharing a new name: the NIHR Manchester Clinical Research Facility (or Manchester CRF for short).

Around 200 staff attended events held at CMFT, The Christie and UHSM on and around 15 May to celebrate International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD) and learn more about the CRF’s five-year strategy and how to access its services.

Key to its strategy are:

  • giving people of all ages and backgrounds across Greater Manchester (GM) the opportunity to take part in early phase research
  • increasing world-class research across GM, specifically interventional phase I and II trials
  • driving efficiencies and effectiveness in the delivery of early phase (Experimental Medicine) research
  • nurturing the next generation of clinical academics and supporting nurses and other operational staff (e.g. through a MRes in Experimental Medicine*, internships*, placements, mentorships)

What does the Manchester CRF do?

The Manchester CRF provides:

  • World-class infrastructure and experience in the delivery of complex and
    high-intensity studies across a diverse range of clinical research areas
  • Safe and quality assured facilities
  • Support for the delivery of Experimental Medicine research studies in adults and children

What is ICTD?

The 20 May is International Clinical Trials Day. The day celebrates the anniversary of the first clinical trial by James Lind in 1747 into the causes of scurvy on board the HMS Salisbury.  Many NHS organisations use ICTD as an opportunity to raise awareness of clinical research.

At CMFT, nurses and midwives took to the wards with the Research Rover to showcase the diverse range of research that takes place across our hospitals.  Partnering with the Manchester Cancer Research Centre and Cancer Research UK, activities at The Christie included a research café event about cancer in teenagers, a cancer research nurse recruitment day and a researcher study day.  Clinical Trial Administrators, Research Nurses and Practitioners at UHSM also used the opportunity to speak with patients and clinical staff around the hospital about research, with a stall in the Nightingale Centre on Friday 19 May exploring the history of Breast Cancer and how research has impacted treatment options.

Key contacts

If you would like to arrange a tour of our facilities and discuss how we can support your study design and delivery, use the contact details below to get in touch.

Manchester CRF Manager
helen.pidd@cmft.nhs.uk / 0161 906 7506