Cells in complex environments forum: the tumour environment

Event details

Tuesday 8th January 2019

Cells are continuously multiplexing information during cell migration, cell division, protein and membrane trafficking, RNA trafficking, signalling, matrix sensing, and genome surveillance. Research groups in the Faculty tend to look at these processes in isolation, but cells are doing all of these tasks at the same time. The hypothesis is that ‘getting this wrong’ is the basis of disease and developmental abnormalities.

In this first in a series of forums to be organised by the Cellular and developmental systems (CDS) research domain, we have pulled together academic cancer clinicians and basic scientists (some who research cancer and some who don’t) to identify new collaborative opportunities.

17 speakers will give flash talks to encourage discussion and identify areas of collaboration that can be followed up after the forum.

Workshop agenda:

12:00   Buffet lunch

12:50   Welcome and Introduction (Karl Kadler) – pump priming and funding opportunities

13:00   Flash talk 1: Rob Bristow – The Microenvironment and Genomics – Clash of Two Titans

13:10   Flash talk 2: Mark Ashe – Cytosolic factories for the translation of glycolytic and translation factor mRNAs: perspectives in cancer

13:20   Flash talk 3: Tim Illidge – Overcoming resistance in the tumour microenvironment to improve radiotherapy responses

13:30   Flash talk 4: Viki Allan – Cell dynamics in complex environments

13:40   Flash talk 5: Fiona Thistlewaite – Adoptive cell therapy for solid tumours

13:50   Flash talk 6: Andy Sharrocks – Transcriptional activation through the integration of multiple signals

14:00   Flash talk 7: Santiago Zelenay – Manipulating inflammation to raise cancer immunogenicity

14:10   Flash talk 8: Martin Humphries – Adhesion signalling in 3D

14:20   Coffee break

14:40   Short discussion session of any potential collaborations identified over the coffee break.

14:50   Flash talk 9: Andrew Gilmore – Cancer cell heterogeneity in complex matrices

15:00   Flash talk 10: Sarah Woolner – Cell division at the interface between oncogenic and wild type epithelial cells

15:10   Flash talk 11: Tracy Hussell – Immunomatrix in lung cancer

15:20   Flash talk 12: Kaye Williams – Non-invasive imaging of tumour-associated immune cell populations

15:30   Flash talk 13: Chiara Francavilla – Functional Proteomics to decipher cancer cell signalling

15:40   Flash talk 14: Cathy Tournier – Looking at macrophages to understand tumour growth

15:50   Flash talk 15: Joe Swift – In vitro models of complex tumour microenvironments

16:00   Flash talk 16: Adam Hurlstone – It takes a village

16:10   Flash talk 17: Shane Herbert – Multitasking cell divisions: how to integrate tissue growth and movement in complex environments

16:20   Closing discussion and potential collaborations

17:00   Close

Event details

Core Technology Facility (Dalton Suite)
Grafton Street
The University of Manchester


8 Jan 2019


Organised by: Strategic Funding Team, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, Room 1.83, Simon Building, The University of Manchester, M13 9PL

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