CLAHRC Research internships

The NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Research and Care (NIHR CLAHRC GM) in collaboration with the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester are currently advertising research internship opportunities.

What does the secondment involve?

Thirty days over nine months, which includes four days participating in a structured educational programme (spread over the nine months). The rest of the time will be self-directed work on your individual project, alongside support from an NIHR CLAHRC GM advisor. The aim of the internship programme is to provide support for your learning needs and interests and will provide opportunities for you to network with other interns, clinicians and academics in your area of interest. The internship does not cover backfill for the 30 days.

Am I eligible to apply?

We are looking for Managers and Nurse, Midwife & AHPs working in the community and at the interface of secondary and community care, who hold a relevant 2:1 or 1:1 degree and do not already hold a research Master’s degree or PhD. We are particularly interested in applicants with experience in wound care, stroke or end-of-life care.

Closing date for internship applications is: 4pm Friday 10th August 2018.

Interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place week commencing 17th September and the internship programme will start in November 2018.

How do I apply?

Download the application form in Word format. Completed applications should be sent to

Where can I get further information?

For more information about CLAHRC-GM please see