Florence Nightingale Foundation Nursing and Midwifery Lectures 2015 – Round Up

In 2015 a new lecture series for nursing and midwifery was launched. The aim of the Manchester Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) lectures was to showcase leading nursing and midwifery research – nationally and internationally.

The lecture series was a partnership initiative between the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work (SNMSW) at the University of Manchester, Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust (CMFT) and the FNF.

The series provided a platform for some of the foremost academics in nursing and midwifery to share their most recent work, with a focus on Quality and Safety of Care  All the lectures have been hosted by CMFT and supported by the University Head of School (Professors Karen Luker and Nicky Cullum) and the Chief Executive of the FNF (Professor Liz Robb).


Below we provide an overview of the four FNF lectures in 2015:

An inspiring, provocative and diverse series

This lecture series has been inspiring, provocative and prompted much debate. It has been great to see such a diverse audience, with attendees including local academic and clinical staff, students and representations from further afield including policy and government organisations.

Look out for further information about the 2016 lecture programmes in the New Year.