Highest recruiter in UK to study which aims to reduce bad cholesterol

Congratulations to the research team at the Cardiovascular Trials Unit who are the top recruiters in the UK to the Pfizer B1481021 study. The study looks to reduce high levels of LDL cholesterol, otherwise known as ‘bad cholesterol’, by investigating the effectiveness and safety of a drug known as PF-04950615 in patients with inherited LDL.

Bad cholesterol can be caused by fatty foods; however for about 320,000 people in the UK it is caused by a faulty gene. Over time, high levels of cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease by blocking arteries. Patients on the study will be able to administer the drug at home alongside their present dose of cholesterol lowering drugs, to determine if PF-04950615 is a beneficial treatment to help the removal of cholesterol from the blood when compared to a placebo.