Manchester Royal Infirmary named as centre of excellence for Paget’s bone disease

Manchester Royal Infirmary has been recognised as a centre of excellence by the Paget’s Association for the treatment and research of Paget’s bone disease.

The Paget’s Association, the only charity in the UK dedicated to Paget’s disease, is keen to improve patient access to appropriate specialist care and address the apparent lack of understanding of this common bone condition.  The charity has introduced an award,  the first of its kind, to recognise hospital and university departments which demonstrate excellence in both the treatment of Paget’s disease and research into the condition.  The MRI is one of ten UK centres to be recognised with this award.

Relatively few patients with Paget’s disease are currently referred to specialists with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of the condition.  Severe pain can persist unnecessarily and may lead to disability and fracture.

For many years Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI) has been a major centre for the investigation and management of patients with metabolic bone diseases such as Paget’s disease.  Patients are seen in dedicated bone clinics run by the department of medicine.  The MRI has a significant role for patients within the Manchester area and also attracts referrals from the North West as well as some international referrals. The NIHR / Wellcome Trust Manchester Clinical Research Facility is located on the MRI site and provides an ideal opportunity for clinical research supported by dedicated research staff.

The work at the MRI is led by Professor Peter Selby, Consultant Physician and Honorary Clinical Professor of Metabolic Bone Disease at The University of Manchester, and his team:

  • Dr H Soran, Consultant Physician
  • Dr R Whitehouse, Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist
  • Dr A Kirwadi, Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist
  • Dr K Hayden, Consultant Clinical Biochemist
  • Sr C Jagger, Specialist Nurse
  • Sr N Komlosy, Specialist Nurse

Professor Roger Francis, Chairman of the Paget’s Association , said:  “This initiative will ensure optimal management of patients and provision of services to patients and their carers, as well as encourage much needed research.   The initiative will hopefully increase awareness of the condition in health care professionals and the general public across the UK.  Patients being referred to these centres of excellence should be reassured that they will receive the best possible care.”

What is Paget’s disease?

The UK has the highest prevalence of Paget’s disease in the world.  There are still some uncertainties about its causes but there is a general understanding that it is due to a combination of inherited and environmental influences.

Paget’s disease is characterised by excessive breakdown and formation of bone, resulting in weakened bones that can lead to pain, severe deformity, deafness and fractures.

Further information is available from the Paget’s Association website at