Manchester RP Patient Information Day
Event detailsThe next RPFB Patient Information Day will be held at Double Tree by Hilton, Manchester Piccadilly, 1 Piccadilly Place, 1 Auburn Street. Manchester, M1 3DG on Wednesday 30 September 2015.
This free of charge event, hosted by Professor Paulo Stanga of Manchester University and Eye Hospital, promises a fabulous line up of speakers, covering all the latest developments in RP research. In addition, the day culminates in a Q&A session, giving the audience a unique chance to put their questions to an eminent panel of clinicians and researchers working in the field.
Registration is now open for this event. It is essential that you book places should you wish to attend this event. Please contact head office on 01280 821334 or email stipulating the number of places you require and your name.
Thanks to sponsorship from Second Sight Inc., this event is being offered free of charge to our supporters. However, due to venue limitations, we are offering places on a strictly first come first served basis.
Please find below a preliminary programme* for the day.
*subject to change.
11:30 Event desk open
12:00 Lunch available, welcome and registration
1:00 Convene and Introduction from host
Professor Paulo Stanga,
Manchester University and Eye Hospital
1:15 The RPFB Programme
Professor Paul Bishop,
Chairman of Medical Advisory Board
1:45 The Genetics of RP
Professor Chris F Inglehearn,
University Of Leeds, St James’s University Hospital
2:15 Artificial Vision – Where are we and what happens next?
Professor Paulo Stanga,
Manchester University and Eye Hospital
2:45 Tea and Coffee Break
3:15 “Learning To See Again”
Sofa chat show style session:
Host: Sid Pritchard
Guest: Kim O’Shea, retinal implant patient
Guest: Andy Fisher, VI Rehabilitation Officer
3:45 Q&A panel session
Facilitator: Sue Drew, Engagement Manager, RP Fighting Blindness
Panellists: Three main speakers above
4:45 Closing thanks and remarks from host
5:00 Reception and refreshments
6:00 Event close
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patient case study:

Learn how about how Professor Stanga’s bionic eye research helped Keith perceive his world.
Event details
Manchester Piccadilly
1 Piccadilly Place
1 Auburn Street
M1 3DG
30 Sep 2015
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) Patient Information Day hosted by Professor Paulo Stanga of Manchester University and Royal Manchester Eye Hospital, promises a fabulous line up of speakers, covering all the latest developments in RP research.
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