Applications are open for Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) staff to access a £50,000 fund to develop Wearable technology for clinical use.
The RPMN is a peer support network where central issues in research grant management are discussed, and as a collective, members can make a meaningful contribution to research innovation.
The study, authored by Dr Tariq Aslam, demonstrates the value of interaction between clinician and patient in offering reassurance around the efficacy and safety associated with anti-VEGF injections.
Congratulations to the haematology research team, headed by Dr Eleni Tholouli, who will receive funding to recruit a new Band 6 Research Nurse for the four-year project.
The 8th Manchester Dysmorphology Course has attracted delegates from 24 different countries including many from Eastern Europe, Morocco, the Middle East and Scandinavia as well as the UK.
Congratulations to the renal research team who have recruited the first patient in the UK for the CaLIPSO study into helping treat patients with chronic kidney disease.