Senior Paediatric Clinical Research Nurse completes Windrush Leadership Programme

Congratulations to Senior Clinical Research Nurse, Margretha Amegadzie, who has successfully completed the Windrush Nurses and Midwives Leadership Programme.

Maggie, as she is known, is a Senior Paediatric Clinical Research Nurse at the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Manchester Clinical Research Facility (CRF) at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH).

She has worked in the CRF at RMCH, part of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), for 13 years and has a great deal of experience in the set up and delivery of early phase paediatric research in various specialities.

In June 2022, Maggie applied for the Windrush Leadership Programme and was accepted into the first cohort of nurses for the initiative, led by Health Education England (HEE).

HEE partnered with the Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) to offer this unique and exciting career development opportunity for NHS nurses and midwives who are descendants of the Windrush generation, or who are from an ethnic minority background.

The Windrush Nurses and Midwives Leadership Programme is the largest training course HEE has ever funded, selecting nurses and midwives from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds to embark on a tailored leadership development programme to become Florence Nightingale Foundation Nurses and Midwives.

Maggie at the recent 2023 Celebrations in London with Liz Fenton OBE RN, QN, Deputy Chief Nurse at Health Education England

Maggie said: “This programme has supported me to develop clinical leadership and managerial skills; how to lead a team, work with a team and work more effectively.

“It has enabled me to develop many skills, which include making presentations with impact and has aided my resilience and aspirations for the future. In terms of my career progression, the course inspired me and I am now also studying for a further degree, which is a pathway programme to a master’s degree.”

At the Florence Nightingale Foundation’s 2023 Celebration Day in London earlier this year, Maggie submitted a poster on her Quality Improvement project: Improving the Transition of Patients from Clinical Trials at the RMCH CRF to a Local Service Provider.

She was also presented with a badge and certificate for successfully completing the programme.