Special recognition award presented to MFT’s Head of Clinical Photography and Medical Illustration
A prestigious national award has been presented to a member of our Research and Innovation team.
Geraldine Thompson, our Head of Clinical Photography and Medical Illustration, was awarded the Institute of Medical Illustrators (IMI) Special Recognition Award 2019 earlier this month.
Dr Iain McLean, Acting Managing Director for Research and Innovation at MFT, said: “Geraldine has been in post for 11 years and is hugely passionate about Healthcare Sciences, Clinical Photography and Medical Illustration.
Her passion for her work is as strong as ever and she regularly promotes these professions as a career option for young people, including most recently at our own annual MFT Young Person’s Open Day.
“Geraldine is a valued member of the Research and Innovation team and I’m sure everyone will join me in congratulating her on receiving this award.”
As Head of Clinical Photography and Medical Illustration Services, Geraldine works closely with all departments and services across the Trust to develop visual content that helps to advance medical science knowledge and increase patients and public knowledge, so that they can make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.
Geraldine said: “I am extremely honoured to be the first recipient of this very important award and grateful for the recognition I have received for my work, because I am very sure that every other nominee for this award was also just as deserving.
Winning this award would not have been possible without the inspiration I have received from my peers and colleagues, for whom I have the deepest admiration. It is that inspiration that has equipped me to be able to challenge and inspire those children I engage with, to aspire to more, attain more and be curious about the sciences in healthcare.
“I sincerely thank the Institute of Medical Illustrators (IMI), STEM Network, the Healthcare Ambassador Network, Manchester Health Academy, my departmental staff and the Trust for helping me reach a stage where I can proudly hold up this award as a mark of my achievement.’”
Geraldine also works in a number of other official roles include being a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Ambassador and school liaison, a Healthcare Ambassador with the Trust, as well as a school governor for Manchester Health and a Staff Governor at MFT for the past six years.
She also works with the Manchester United Foundation with deprived schools in the North West of Manchester, informing and promoting areas such as careers development and interview skills. In addition to this, Geraldine works with the University of Manchester ‘Teen Tech’ careers engagement, highlighting other NHS career paths.

Geraldine Thompson (left) receiving her Special Recognition Award 2019