CDSU Data Access Committee

Our Data Access Committee (DAC) meet monthly and review all projects that want to use the CDSU research database.  There is only one question that the Committee is seeking to answer:

Does this project use MFT’s data in a way that is acceptable to our patients, staff and community?

The committee can issue an outcome of:

  • Approved
  • Provisional Approval with Conditions/Requests for more information
  • Not Approved

CDSU also seek opinion from this Committee on strategic and operational initiatives.

Who can be a member of the Data Trust Committee?

Anyone who is part of the MFT community can sit on the Data Access Committee.  Including:

  • Current and past patients
  • People who care for current and past patients
  • Members of staff
  • People who live in Greater Manchester (or the area that MFT serves)

Projects Approved through the Data Access Committee: