More than a third of people who were subjected to non-fatal strangulation as part of a sexual assault thought they were going to die, research has shown.
A simple non-invasive test can accurately detect womb cancer, according to a proof of concept study by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) and University of Manchester scientists.
Women diagnosed with womb cancer should now be routinely screened for the genetic condition Lynch syndrome (LS), following a new guideline issued by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellen
A drug has shown potential to improve heart function in women diagnosed with preeclampsia during their pregnancy, research carried out at Saint Mary’s Hospital has found.
Manchester researchers have helped to reach an important breakthrough in the fight against endometrial cancer, with the development of non-invasive test for women.
Pioneering new research at Manchester’s Saint Mary’s Hospital has found women who have experienced stillbirth are four times more likely to develop Lupus than those with an uncomplicated livebirth.