CMFT appoints CMFT Project Lead for CityVerve

Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) has appointed Julie Harrison, experienced NHS nurse, as Project Lead for the Health and Social Care Theme, in the exciting new CityVerve Programme.

Led by Manchester City Council, CMFT is one of 20 other outstanding organisations that make up the Manchester consortium selected to deliver CityVerve, UK’s Internet of Things (IoT) City Demonstrator last December.

IoT is a term used to describe how multiple physical devices or objects – even people – can be connected across a network. Thanks to embedded software and sensors, these connected objects – be they lights, buses or entire buildings – can collect and exchange data. Where this gets really exciting is once you turn this data into insight that helps us to do things more easily, quickly or more effectively.

The aim of CityVerve is to show how the large-scale deployment of IoT can benefit citizens by offering environmental improvements, economic opportunities, and more efficient and effective delivery of services such as transport, healthcare and energy.

Julie explains: “CMFT is leading on the Health and Social Care Theme of CityVerve and the application of IoT in Chronic Condition Management (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPD).

“Using sensors including smart inhalers and a range of home, mobile device, wearable and location devices we plan to use the programme to provide a broad picture of health status.  As a result, we hope to empower patients – increasing levels of self care and reducing service demand by improving medication adherence and physical activity in moderately ill patients with COPD.”

There are three other themes embedded in the CityVerve programme (Transport, Culture and Public Realm, Energy and the Environment).  Other applications of the programme include: Community Wellness, and Neighbourhood Team Support/Nursing Home Care.