A new, intricately painted stop-frame animated film exploring the damage of sight loss and the use of the ground-breaking bionic eye for vision restoration launched.
An exciting new art project is exploring the damage of sight loss caused by Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and the use of the ground-breaking bionic eye for vision restoration.
An early intervention for autism aimed at helping parents communicate with their child has been shown to have an effect on reducing the severity of autism symptoms.
Two members of the Maternal and Fetal Health research team are celebrating after clocking up 21 years’ service here at Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT).
Throughout October 2016, the Public Programmes Team ran free support sessions on PPI/E for researchers working in women or children’s health. The sessions were run on behalf of the MAHSC.
Free sessions for researchers across Manchester to find out more about patient and public involvement and engagement (PPI/E) in clinical research have been hailed a success.
New research findings, published in the British Journal of Learning Disabilities, suggest some changes could be made to help staff when they’re assessing people’s ability to make decisions.