Clinical research studies

We currently support a number of clinical research studies, including:

  • BABY PANDA – Blood pressure response assessment by pregnancy antihypertensive drug treatment (mechanism of action of health intervention). Contact: Natalie Barry 701 6980
  • C-STICH2 – Emergency cervical cerclage to prevent miscarriage and preterm birth – a randomised controlled trial. Contact: Faye Parry 701 3481
  • DAPHNE – Developing MRI sequences to assess maternal cardiac and placental function in women with hypertension in pregnancy. Contact: Anjulea Chambers 701 6961
  • DAWN-P – Digital Assessment of Wellbeing in New Parents: a feasibility study of digital screening for postnatal depression. Contact: Kate Stanbury 701 6958
  • FERN – Intervention or Expectant Management for Early Onset Selective Fetal Growth Restriction in Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy. Contact: Faye Parry 701 3481
  • GBS3 – Does routine testing for group B streptococcus reduce the risk of infection in newborn babies compared to the current strategy in place in the UK? Contact: Ruth Morrello 604 5274
  • GIANT PANDA – Evaluating the effects of different antihypertensive drugs in women with pregnancy hypertension on maternal and fetal/neonatal outcomes. Contact: Natalie Barry 701 6980
  • IGBS3 – Development of a serocorrelate of protection against invasive Group B Streptococus disease. Contact: Helen Hume 701 3480
  • MIMICH – Randomised controlled trial into the impact of metformin on maternal and infant cardiometabolic Health in women with type 2 and gestational diabetes. Contacts: Heather Pitt 701 3480, Faye Parry 701 3481
  • MINESS 20-28 – Mothers working to prevent early stillbirth study. Investigating modifiable risk factors associated with stillbirths at 20 -28 weeks. Contact Linda Peacock 701 6961
  • START A feasibility study of a translational research antenatal clinic for IVF-conceived pregnancies: The St Mary’s After Reproductive Technology (START) clinic. Contacts: Kate Stanbury 701 6958, Helen Hume 701 3480

For more information about these studies and other research in the area of maternal and fetal health please contact Research Midwife Coordinators or, or call on 0161 701 6968.