Low vision/optometry

In the past decade there have been 3 large externally funded randomised controlled trials in the field of low vision rehabilitation including trials evaluating the effectiveness of (1) enhanced versus conventional low vision rehabilitation services, (2) prism relocation in AMD and (3) autofocus bioptic low vision devices.

A fourth RCT is an NIHR sponsored RfPB trial that commences in autumn 2012 and looks to evaluate the effectiveness of portable electronic vision enhancement systems in low vision rehabilitation. A large scale evaluation of optometry enhanced schemes is also due to commence in October 2012 and will include significant health economic evaluation in respect of a range of enhanced schemes including glaucoma referral refinement.

Smaller scale studies have also been conducted on a wide range of topics, including: face recognition in AMD, orientation and mobility, the nerve fibre layer in normal tension glaucoma, observer variability in optic disc measures, agreement in glaucoma decision making by specialist optometrists. Dr Harper and Dr Tromans continue to collaborate with colleagues both in Manchester and elsewhere on, respectively, glaucoma/low vision and cornea/contact lens related projects.