A 20-month-old baby girl has become the first child in the UK to receive a life-saving gene therapy treatment for the fatal disorder, metachromatic leukodystrophy disease (MLD).
Children with cancer in Greater Manchester and Lancashire could be given new hope after a funding boost for research into experimental cancer treatments.
Parents across Greater Manchester, East Lancashire and East Cheshire are being urged to support a new respiratory virus study looking into the UK’s leading cause of infant hospitalisation.
A pioneering study to overcome cow’s milk allergy (CMA) in babies and children has been launched in the UK, sponsored by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
Children and adults with a rare form of bone cancer are receiving a new standard of treatment that is more effective, thanks to a clinical trial led by paediatric oncologist at MFT.
A new treatment that uses the body’s own immune system (immunotherapy), could revolutionise medication for very young children with a moderate to severe form of a common skin condition.
The outstanding commitment to critical care research by a children’s intensive care research team at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) has received national recognition.