Urogynaecology research team at St Mary’s, have recruited the first patient in the UK to an observational study investigating the effectiveness of a urethral bulking procedure in women
Professor Graeme Black, Honorary Consultant and Professor in Genetics and Ophthalmology has been awarded the Order of the British Empire in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
Enhancements to the student nurse placement programme at the Children’s Clinical Research Facility at CMFT have been reflected in their recent student evaluations.
Congratulations to Manchester Heart Centre research staff for leading the way nationally for patient recruitment, by becoming the top recruiting site on the PRE18FFIR in the country for a second time.
The event provided an overview of the research plans supported by the NIHR’s £41m BRC/CRF investment (2017–2022), in the context of the wider Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership.