ACCENTUATE study (Acceptability and feasibility of a paediatric teleotology service)

Type: Study administrating questionnaires/interviews/for quantitative analysis, or using mixed quantitative/qualitative methodology

Funder: Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), Health Innovation Manchester, Ent UK and Tympa Health

Sponsor: MFT


ACCENTUATE is a study investigating whether telemedicine appointments (using telephone or virtual meeting software) are acceptable and feasible for children with ear and hearing problems. This type of service delivery is also known as “teleotology” and involves ENT specialists remotely reviewing patient information and making decisions about their care. Teleotology offers a potential way to cut down patient waiting times, widen access to specialist ear healthcare and improve patients’ experience of accessing healthcare, yet teleotology for children and young people in the NHS has not previously been investigated.


During the study, 120 children aged up to 15 years who have glue ear (a condition caused by fluid build-up in the middle ear that can lead to hearing loss and repeated ear infections) and 120 healthy volunteers will undergo ear health assessments. The assessments include a clinical history taken by a member of the research team, an ear examination using a smartphone capable of recording video, a hearing test, and a middle ear pressure test (tympanometry). This information will be remotely reviewed by two independent ENT specialists for its quality and suitability for clinical use, while the recruiting audiologists, ENT specialists, patients and parents will be asked about their experience of the process. 


We will use this information to design a pilot study of a teleotology service for children at MFT. A successful teleotology service for children will help reduce waiting times for all and reduce travel and attendance costs for some children whose care could be managed entirely in primary care with remote specialist support, reducing the need for face-to-face attendance. This supports our aim to provide a digital-first service and reduce the carbon emissions associated with accessing healthcare, helping MFT to achieve our NetZero pledge.

Further information