FAMOUS: Follow up and monitoring of new users of NHS hearing aids

Follow up and structured monitoring for adults offered an NHS hearing aid for the first time: A cluster randomised controlled trial

  • Hospital – Speciality: Across multiple MFT sites – Audiology
  • Study type: Interventional
  • Funder: National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)


Each year in the UK about 355,000 adults are fitted with hearing aids for the first time. It is known that hearing aids improve communication and quality of life for adults experiencing hearing loss. However, adjusting to hearing aids can
be difficult and many patients may not use their hearing aids as recommended, or at all.

Although there are guidelines in place to support first-time hearing aid patients, the way in which the support is provided can vary between NHS adult hearing clinics, which makes assessing the effectiveness of the current guidelines difficult. In this study the researchers want to find out whether a defined four-step hearing aid follow-up plan is as effective as the current NHS guideline care for hearing aid patients, their families and best value for the NHS.

Participant group 

Adults (≥18 years); using hearing aids for first time.

Participant approach

All patients assessed for a new hearing aid will be included in the trial. Information about the trial will be displayed in the relevant clinical areas and given to patients at their hearing aid assessment and fitting appointment. Detailed written information will be provided on the trial website (www.famous.ac.uk) and patients who receive a hearing aid will be sent an invitation to join the trial along with an information sheet 12 weeks following their fitting appointment.

Study open date and expected length

Opened: 1 January 2022

Expected end date: 30 April 2025


Pending – this study is still active.

Contact details

Telephone number: 0115 823 1585

Email address: famous@nottingham.ac.uk

  • IRAS number: 313462